Meet Our Board Members
Everyone brings their strengths and passion to help support the Fit and Food mission.

Cameron Murkey
Involvement in Fit and Food: Board Chair, Development Committee
About Cameron: Quincy University, Class of 2008, Bachelor of Science in Biology and Chemistry, currently Director of Quality Assurance at Save A Lot. Originally from St. Louis, MO. I have been married for 11 years to my beautiful wife and we have four awesome children.
Why I Volunteer: Giving back and improving the lives of people within our community is important to me. It is my personal display of love and I believe that it makes a direct and lasting impact.
Favorite Quote: “Treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to. Respect is earned, not given. – Unknown
Fun Fact: I have visited Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Lei Deng
Involvement with Fit and Food: Board Vice Chair, Development Committee
About Lei: I am a fee only Certified Financial Planner® and Principal at Core Planning. I came to the United States to pursue my master's at Washington University in St. Louis and have stayed in this beautiful city ever since. My husband and I have two beautiful children. We’re a family of foodies that enjoy exploring different cultures through food.
Why I volunteer: I really love Fit and Food's mission of healthy living. A lot of communities don’t access to fresh produce, not to mention the luxury of fitness classes to take care of their bodies. Fit and Food provides these types of valuable resources that also serve as first step to stop the downward spiral: unhealthy food - chronic illness – loss of employment and/or unaffordable medical bills that further pushes people into poverty. The benefit of Fit and Food’s work really compounds and will have ripple effects for generations to come. I’m fortunate to have the opportunity to help serve this cause.
Favorite quote: “Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford.

Madt Mallinckrodt
Involvement with Fit and Food: Board Treasurer, Finance Committee
About Madt: Washington University, 1979 BA, Urban Studies & Teacher Education, currently retired but retaining several clients for bookkeeping and payroll processing, have owned a few small businesses in the area including Café Balaban (with partners) from 1986 through 1996.
Why I Volunteer: Joy and Gabi have started something wonderful here, and I am delighted to contribute a small part toward nurturing their dream. My wife worked for the St. Louis Area Food Bank early in our marriage, I became aware of the challenges to providing nutritious food to the community. I love the idea of combining fitness with nutrition.
Favorite Quote: “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.” - Goethe

Rodneca Skinner
Involvement in Fit and Food: Board Secretary, Finance Committee, Events Planning Committee
Why I Volunteer: I have always wanted to give back to the community, and the Fit and Food Connection is a great fit to do so. I have recognized the importance of health and wellness in my life, so it's amazing to know that our clients are benefitting from the programs are offered to them. Not only does The Fit and Food Connection encourage our clients, but I am encouraged as well!
Favorite Quote: "The best things in life are on the other side of fear." - Will Smith

Scott Gill
Involvement in Fit and Food: Finance Committee
About Scott: I am a Senior Financial Executive with over 30 years of experience working with middle market companies. I have been married to my fantastic wife, Ashley, for 28 years and we are the proud parents of an amazing daughter, Alison. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Tennessee and a Masters in Business Administration from Northwestern University.
Why I volunteer: I was raised to always try to leave something in better condition than you found it. I believe very strongly that the world would be a much better and happier place if everyone used this mindset to address the many problems facing all corners of the world. The grassroots nature and mission of Fit & Food Connection is a great example of this mindset!
Favorite quote: "To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift." - Steve Prefontaine

Shanté Smith-Daniels
Involvement in Fit and Food: Development Committee
About Shanté: Shanté works at The Economist. She is a longtime volunteer at One Family Church and is a member of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. Metropolitan St. Louis Chapter. She is the mom of 3 amazing kids and has been married for 3 years to one of the coolest guys she knows.
Why I Volunteer: The Fit and Food Connection’s vision is dear to my heart. “We envision a world where people in under-served communities all have strong minds and healthy bodies.” There was a time during my life when I needed assistance, I was able to have a few basic needs met. But I cannot imagine how different it would be if I encountered the Fit and Food Connection during that time.
Favorite Quote: “If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” ― Martin Luther King Jr
Danny Profumo
Involvement in Fit and Food: Development Committee, Food Assistance
Education: Saint Louis University, class of 2014, Bachelor of Science in Finance and Economics. Washington University in St. Louis, class of 2019, Master of Business Administration
Why I Volunteer: Since High School, I’ve been attending Jesuit schools and I have learned to always try to live as a man for others. After I finished my MBA, I found Fit and Food Connection, which perfectly incorporates a few passions of my life. I love giving back to the community, love cooking, and love staying active.
Favorite Quote: “If you can’t feed one hundred people, then feed just one.” - Mother Theresa
Fun Fact: I modeled for a Super Soaker Box when I was a kid.

Aisha Muhammad
Involvement in Fit and Food: Board Member
About Aisha: I graduated from the Missouri University of Science & Technology in 2020 with a BA in Biological Sciences with an emphasis in freshwater ecology. I’ve always had a passion for biology and the natural world, so I chose to turn my passion into my career. I currently work for the Missouri Department of Conservation as a Community Conservation Liaison where I focus on equitably connecting communities to nature. I love the fact that I get to engage with new people and form meaningful partnerships that make St. Louis a better place to live for everyone. In my free time, I enjoy spending time in nature, going on picnics, hiking, swimming, kayaking, gardening, or foraging. I also enjoy, reading, writing, art, being active, and cooking and baking for my friends and family.
Why I Volunteer: I decided to volunteer with The Fit and Food Connection because everything that the organization stands for aligns with my own values. I am a firm believer that access to healthy food, healthy natural spaces, and an abundance of opportunities for rest and wellness are human rights, and The Fit and Food Connection works to bridge the gaps between these facets of life and people who don’t have adequate access to these said facets. If opportunities for health and wellness are present, then a baseline of stability can be created from which all communities can thrive.
Favorite Quote: “So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” – Gandalf the Grey; J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings

Kesha Kent
Involvement in Fit and Food: Board Member & Community Leader
About Kesha: Kesha is a wife, mother, a High Energy Speaker, two-time author and CEO of MrsKeshSpeaks, LLC.. She has over 20 years of experience in Talent Development, Training, Development and Talent Acquisition. Her current role is National Diversity Talent Strategist, with Husch Blackwell a national Top 100 law firm, with over 800+ lawyers in more than 20 offices across the United States. Kesha works to bring Husch Blackwell’s diversity, equity and inclusion strategy to life, in particular through recruiting and retaining top legal talent. Prior to joining Husch Blackwell, Kesha worked at the fourth-largest health system in the United States.
Why I Volunteer: I volunteer simply because I understand the effect of food desserts, lack of equity and access to GOOD HEALTH. It’s important we change the trajectory of impoverished communities, especially black and brown communities.
Favorite Quote: “Refuse to give your visions to blind people to proofread, stay on your course, it’s your vision."
Fun Fact: I’m married to my first love, we’re both city kids who grew up eating junk food on a regular basis. We have changed the trajectory of our lineage by simply having access.